Step 2. Affidavit Complaint

Notice of Complaint

William Jackson

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Step 2

Requires Affidavits be sent to all supervisors and oversight personnel of the

original Affidavit recipient, with a copy of the original Affidavit

attached. When none of these oversight people respond, in kind, and rebut,

by means of their own sworn, notarized Affidavits, then, we go to step 3.


See page 1 of Hart Public Comment.

This is a notice of violation of constitution, federal and state laws and an offer to cure.


I Cody Hart, a sentient living, lawful man on the land, (a non-legal fiction person), affiant, victim, witness, and the undersigned, hereinafter, Claimant, make this Affidavit/Declaration of Truth, Notice of Constitutional Violations, Federal Crimes Violations, hereinafter, AFFIDAVIT, of my own free will, and I hereby affirm, declare and swear, under my oath and under the pains and penalties of perjury under the laws of the united States of America and of this State...

Throgh Serial Acts of Negligence, Fraudulent Practices, and Actions DONE with Purpose, Malice, INTENT, WILLFULLY and in Concert by the following Public Officials...

This NOTICE of Statement AFFIDAVIT is directed to RESPONDENTS. Notice to Agent is Notice to principal, Notice to principal is Notice to Agent, applications to all successors and assigns. You are hereby noticed by virtue of the Constitutionally secured Right to Redress of Grievance in original Organic Common Law Jurisdiction as is the Right of Claimant and all beneficiaries of the Organic Laws of the united States of America.

See page 2 of Hart Public Comment.

US Code ... US Code ... which makes it a crime for a person acting under color of law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States.



1. Our affidavit is the second part of our process and is sent to the recipient(s) of

our presumptive letter(s), when h/they fail to respond and/or fail to rebut, with

particularity and specificity, the claims and charges we made in the presumptive


2. Our affidavit is completely truthful, as we attest, based only in truth, fact, valid

law and evidence. It consists of three (3) basic parts, as follows:

(a) We notify the letter recipient that on (date) we sent him/her/bank/corporation a

letter in which we made specific claims and charges which he/she were required to

rebut, with particularity and specificity, if he/she disagreed. We then inform

him/her that s/he failed to rebut those charges in writing, with particularity, to us,

within the allotted time period. Therefore, pursuant to the lawful notification

contained in that letter, the letter recipient admitted to and agreed with all charges

and claims we made therein, fully binding upon him/her in any court, without

his/her protest, objection or that of those who represent him/her.

(b) Some of the charges and claims to which the letter recipient admits include, but

are not limited to, the following: (here we list about one third or so of the most

significant charges we made in the presumptive letter.)

(c) We are always attempting to resolve the matter before it goes further, which is

the entire objective of this process. To this end, we state the following position to

the letter recipient: “If you disagree with the charges contained in this affidavit,

then, you may rebut them, within 30 days of your receipt of this affidavit, and

support your rebuttal with truth, fact, valid law and evidence, by means of your own

sworn and notarized affidavit, attesting to your rebuttal and supportive positions, as

valid and lawful, under the pains and penalties of perjury under the laws of the

United States of America and this state (name the state).”


3. With the completion and sending of this affidavit, and the prior presumptive

letter, both of which we send by CERTIFIED MAIL, only, we have given our

opponent two specific opportunities to rebut the charges we have made against

him. If he fails to rebut our affidavit within the allotted 30 days, then, we file our

affidavit on the public record with the local county clerk-recorder, in the

miscellaneous file. This recording on the public record invokes certain federal and

state rules of evidence, which we will discuss during the seminar.



This is the first “presumptive” paragraph. It should be used as the

first paragraph of your letters:

This letter is lawful notification to you, pursuant to The Bill of

Rights to the National Constitution, in particular, the First, Fourth, Fifth,

Sixth and Ninth Amendments, and The Bill of Rights of the New

Mexico Constitution, in particular, Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 17 and 18, and

pursuant to your oath, and requires your written response to me specific

to the subject matter. Your failure to respond, within 30 days, as

stipulated, and rebut, with particularity, everything in this letter with

which you disagree is your lawful, legal and binding agreement with and

admission to the fact that everything in this letter is true, correct, legal,

lawful and binding upon you, in any court, anywhere in America,

without your protest or objection or that of those who represent you.

Your silence is your acquiescence. See: Connally v. General

Construction Co., 269 U.S. 385, 391. Notification of legal responsibility

is “the first essential of due process of law.” Also, see: U.S. v. Tweel,

550 F. 2d. 297. “Silence can only be equated with fraud where there is a

legal or moral duty to speak or where an inquiry left unanswered would

be intentionally misleading.”







If you disagree with anything in this letter, then rebut, in kind, that

with which you disagree, in writing, with particularity, to me, within 30

days of this letter’s date, and support your disagreement with evidence,

fact and law. Your failure to respond, as stipulated, is your agreement

with and admission to the fact that everything in this letter is true,

correct, legal, lawful, and is your irrevocable agreement attesting to this,

fully binding upon you, in any court in America, without your protest or

objection and that of those who represent you.

All Rights Reserved,

Your Printed Name


Complaint explained in Class Day 6

The Affiant has previously sent an Affidavit/Declaration of Truth to

_____________________________, who by his actions, perjured his oath, violated and opposed

the Constitution(s), the inherent rights and due process of law guaranteed to the people therein,

and by those actions caused harm to the people, in the instant case, me. In the Affidavit,

_______________________ was provided a lawful warning to rebut in kind the charges and

claims made in the Affidavit, supported by truth, fact, valid law and evidence.

____________________ failed to rebut Affiant’s Affidavit, in kind, by means of his own sworn,

notarized Affidavit, supported by truth, fact, valid law and evidence, within the specified time

limit, therefore, _________________________ tacitly admitted to and agreed with all of the

charges, claims, averments and information contained in the referenced Affidavit. See: Connally

v. General Construction Co., 269 U.S. 385, 391. Notification of legal responsibility is “the first

essential of due process of law.” See: U.S. v. Tweel, 550 F. 2d. 297. “Silence can only be

equated with fraud where there is a legal or moral duty to speak or where an inquiry left

unanswered would be intentionally misleading.”

This Affidavit of Complaint calls for the immediate removal and arrest of

________________________ whose unconstitutional actions and violations of secured rights

and due process of law are fully described and enumerated in the attached Affidavit/Declaration

of Truth sent to __________________________ on date, which Affidavit/Declaration is

incorporated herein and made part hereof. Pursuant to your oath and the constitutional mandates

imposed upon you thereby, you must act lawfully to remove from office and arrest

_________________________, since you cannot lawfully uphold, support, excuse, and condone

the unconstitutional actions ___________________________ has committed, and to which

actions he has admitted.

Further, Affiant sent Affidavits to the oversight and supervisory personnel of

_____________________ in which Affiant clearly stated that __________________________

committed unconstitutional actions that violated and denied guaranteed rights and due process of

law, which actions harmed the people, in the instant case, me. As stated in the Affidavits sent to

these oversight and supervisory personnel, they were notified that they are required, pursuant to


their oaths, to stop and correct the unconstitutional actions committed by

_______________________, under their watch, and remove ________________________ from

office. The Affidavits further stated that if they failed to so act, then, they support, abet and

condone ____________________________’s actions committed under their supervision.

Therefore, by their unconstitutional support of __________________________ and his

unconstitutional actions, the supervisory and oversight personnel have invoked the self-executing

Sections 3 & 4 of the 14th Amendment, thus, have lawfully vacated their offices and forfeited

any benefits thereof, including salaries and pensions. This Affidavit of Complaint calls for the

removal from office of _________________________ and the supervisory and oversight

personnel who were so notified by Affiant. The supervisory and oversight personnel failed to

rebut Affiant’s Affidavits sent to them, therefore, tacitly admitted to and agreed with all of the

charges, claims, averments and information contained therein. A copy of the Affidavits sent to

the supervisory and oversight personnel are attached to this Affidavit of Complaint and made

part hereof.

You, _____________________________, pursuant to your oath, must abide by that oath

in the performance of your official duties and must lawfully act upon this Affidavit of Complaint

filed by an American injured and damaged by the unconstitutional actions of the recipients of the

Affidavits specified herein. If you fail your constitutional duty and your oath, then, YOU will

also step outside the lawful scope of your limited, delegated duties and authority and will have

invoked the referenced self-executing Sections 3 & 4 of the 14th Amendment, specified above.

Affiant further sayeth naught.

DRAFT Affidavit of Formal Complaint


I, Full Name and address, the undersigned, make this Affidavit/Declaration

of Truth of my own free will, and I hereby affirm, declare and swear, under my

oath, that I am of legal age and of sound mind and hereby attest that the

information contained in this Affidavit/Declaration is true and correct to the best of

my knowledge.

This Affidavit/Declaration of Truth is lawful notification you, and is hereby made

and sent to you pursuant to the Federal Constitution, specifically, the Bill of

Rights, in particular, Amendments I, IV, V, VI, VII, IX and X, and The Bill of

Rights of the New Mexico Constitution, in particular, Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 17

and 18, and requires your written rebuttal to me, in kind, specific to each and every

point of the subject matter stated herein, within thirty (30) days, via your own

sworn and notarized affidavit, using fact, law and evidence to support your rebuttal

of the specific subject matter stated in this Affidavit/Declaration. You are hereby

noticed that your failure to respond, as stipulated, and rebut, with particularity and

specificity, anything with which you disagree in this Affidavit/Declaration, is your

lawful, legal and binding agreement with and admission to the fact that everything

in this Affidavit/Declaration is true, correct, legal, lawful, and fully binding upon

you in any court in America, without your protest or objection and that of those

who represent you. Your silence is your acquiescence. See: Connally v. General

Construction Co., 269 U.S. 385,391. Notification of legal responsibility is “the first

essential of due process of law”. See also: U.S. V. Tweel, 550 F.2d.297. “Silence

can only be equated with fraud where there is a legal or moral duty to speak or

where an inquiry left unanswered would be intentionally misleading.”

I, [Full Name of Affiant], hereby affirm that the following actions and

events took place:

[Make all of your true statements as to what specifically took place in your

situation in chronologically-ordered, numbered paragraphs, citing your personal


experiences and your personal, direct observations of others’ experiences, and/or

their actions, if this applies. The Affidavit should present your claims and charges

based upon the unlawful, unconstitutional actions committed against you by the

person to whom you are sending the affidavit and how you were damaged by the

actions. The affidavit must be based in truth, fact, valid law and evidence.]

Lawful notification has been provided to you stating that if you do not rebut,

in kind, the statements, charges and averments made in this Affidavit/Declaration,

then, you agree with and admit to them. Pursuant to that lawful notification, if you

disagree with anything stated under oath in this Affidavit/Declaration of Truth,

then rebut that with which you disagree, with particularity, within thirty (30) days

of receipt thereof, by means of your own written, notarized affidavit of truth, based

on specific, relevant fact and valid law to support your disagreement, attesting to

your rebuttal and supportive positions, as valid and lawful, under the pains and

penalties of perjury under the laws of the United States of America and this state.

An un-rebutted affidavit stands as fact and truth before any court. Your failure to

respond, as stipulated, is your agreement with and admission to the fact that

everything in this Affidavit of Truth is true, correct, legal, lawful, and is your

irrevocable admission attesting to this, fully binding upon you in any court of law

in America, without your protest, objection and that of those who represent you.

Affiant further sayeth naught.

All Rights Reserved,



Full Name, Affiant/Declarant Date


In the State of Your State,


County of Your County

I swear that on this____day of month 2022, the above named Affiant/Declarant,

Full Name, personally appeared before me, and of his own free will, signed and

executed this Affidavit/Declaration of Truth.


Notary Public

My Commission Expires:______________



Text of Affidavit of Truth

Affidavit of Truth to

all letter recipients. The Affidavit has three basic components: (1)

lawful notification to the recipients that, by their failure to respond to the

letter, or if a meaningless, non-specific response was made, they admit

to and agree with all charges and claims made in that letter, fully binding

upon them in any court, without their protest, objection or that of those

who represent them, meaning, of course, their attorneys; (2) a list of

some of the charges and claims made in the letter to which they have

admitted; (3) a challenge to the recipients to rebut our Affidavit with

their own sworn, notarized affidavits, certifying that their affidavit is

based in fact, law, truth and valid evidence, under the pains and penalties

of perjury under the laws of the United States of America. In over fifty

(50) years of doing this, we have written thousands of affidavits, and no

one has responded with a rebuttal affidavit.

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